Wakefield Bull Sale
Charolais and Angus Bulls
Wakefield's 19th Annual Bull Sale
Friday 16th August from 1pm
Wollombombi via Ebor NSW
45 Charolais Bulls
30 Angus bulls
Free freight to Lismore/Casino/Grafton Saleyards
Bulls are grass fed and have a history of doing well on the coast
Catalogue can be found here: Wakefield-Catalogue-2024-LR.pdf (wakefieldcharolais.com.au)
Videos can be found here: LOT 1 - WAKEFIELD TOP PICK (AI) (P) on Vimeo
For full details visit: Home - Wakefield Charolais
For further information contact:
Glenn Weir 0427 299 104
Kevin 0427 653 450
Luke 0449 100 426
Mitch 0402 119 068
Wollombombi NSW