Beef Breeder Sale – 15th April
Saturday 15th April from 10am at Lismore Saleyards
A very good line up of young cows (mainly 2nd calf), heifers and a few bulls
A/C Jennings Livestock - Tuckurimba
15 black baldy x cows PTIC on 2nd and 3rd calf
12 Angus cows PTIC on 2nd and 3rd calf
8 Brangus x Angus cows on 2nd and 3rd calf due to start calving May.
Video link here:
A/C Nashua Valley Beef - Gary Savins
6 Brangus heifers PTIC to Angus Bull - very quiet
A/C Peter McGrath
8 unjoined Ultrablack heifers
Video link here:
A/C Springfield Farm - Tregeagle
4 Speckle Park cows with Speckle calves at foot (2nd calf)
6 Angus x cows with Speckle calves (2nd calf)
5 F3 Speckle Park heifers running with Speckle bull 2 Speckle Park bulls - 17 months
Video link here:
A/C Lewis Bashforth - HERD DISPERSAL
17 Santa and Limousin cows and calves
18 Santa and Limousin cows PTIC
A quality herd of quiet proven breeders
A/C Various Owners
25 Charbray and Santas x Charolais heifers PTIC to Angus Bulls
Video link here:
5 Santa Heifers PTIC Angus Bull
5 Brangus heifers PTIC Angus Bull
4 Droughtmaster cows and calves (Charolais) 2nd calf
6 Santa heifers and calves
10 Ultrablack cows, 5 calved others PTIC 2nd calf
5 Simmental cows and calves
20 Brahman x heifers PTIC
30 crossbred cows and calves
10 Angus x Pinzgauer heifers 14 months
3 Murray Grey bulls, pure bred, top quality
1 Angus x Murray Grey bull rising 3 years, very quiet
1 Angus Bull 3 years, very quiet, low birthweight calves (herd dispersal)
A/C Valley View Charolais
registered Charolais Bull "CJ Sir Fa MAC (AI) (ET) (P)